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Denis Lim
Ngee Ann Poly
Son Of God


Long Xiang


speak of the gospel

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today was reading on John 13.

I was amazed by the way how Jesus loved us to the extend of putting down his own identity as a Lord and teacher to wash the feets of the apostles. By this I learnt that Jesus had set an example on how I should love and serve others. It is about putting myself down and serve others with love. After all, in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 it says "It (love) does not boast, it is not proud...it is not self-seeking..."

I also learnt that the identity of Christ is again love. As mentioned in verse 35: "By this, all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." I was like "Wow!, really?" Actually, that is my impression of Christians before and after I accepted Christ. Then another two verses came to me "And now these three remains: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)" and "...,because God is love(1 John 4:8)" Love is indeed is the greatest because of our God is already love.

But I was saddened when verse 34 says that Jesus gives a new command which is for us to love another as how He had loved us. I was just thinking to myself that are we that astrayed and sinful that God actually had to command us to love another. By right, isn't it what we are supposed to be doing? It just reminds me of how much I still do not know how to love.

My application is actually to pray to God to learn how to love others and that this fruit of the Holy Spirit will be evident in me.

Signing off,1:58 AM
Child of god

Monday 1/1/2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

This week is a great week to trust God because there are so many things cramped into one week. A even greater news is that I just found out next week that I have 3 tests. Even more opportunity to trust God and his promises.

For today's quiet time, I have learnt that the power of the Holy Spirit during witnessing. It is the Holy Spirit's power that convinces a person, not by human's wisdom.. I also got reminded by God that his power is with me and that I have nothing to worry about. Just trust in Him.

Later in the evening while in the bus going to Andson's house for fellowship dinner, I just thought of the power of God is actually His Love. His mysterious and perfect love for us. Love brings about faithfulness, it also brings about humility,concern, mercy, grace and many more. From this on I actually want to learn this love he has and also to have it so that I can bless others with it also.

So today actually God has teach me two lesson on love.

Love does not anger easily.


Love is being humble.

Application: To learn more and acquire God's love.


Signing off,6:46 AM
Child of god

Sunday Bible Study

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Today at the Sunday Bible Study with navigator's brothers was very interesting and fruitful. Learn quite a lot today especially those I am able to apply easily. Firstly, I learnt more about seeking God's words, which is equivalent to seeking God. Seeking God is like a pirate searching for a hidden treasure (proverbs 2:4). The pirates are very excited and very eager to start when they are about to search for the hidden treasure and is even willing to risk their lives for it.

This applies to God also by showing that kind of eagerness attitude when seeking Him. And he will tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know (Jer 33:3), just like when Jesus meet Elijah and Moses and only some of the disciples are able to have this privilege to see while many others do not know.

Application: To have an eagerness attitude towards seeking God. Do it because of love not because of duty. Pray to God that I will have this love and eagerness to seek Him.


Signing off,7:44 AM
Child of god

Sunday Sermon Charis

Today at the sermon at Charis Church , God has revealed to me one very important information. That is God Will Make A Way, this new year. At first, I did not really bother about it that much but was made even clearer later by God who kept reminding me about this. Now, I am really excited to see what is the new path that He has opened for me. One song that kept reminding about God will make a way is this song entitled 不要放弃 - 赞美之泉.

Another thing I learnt is about faith. People lose their faith because of fear. The fear of the surrounding, the fear that God will not help them. But God has reminded us in the bible 366 times not to fear. So there is no reason to fear with God by your side. However, even with this, people do fail. So prayer is still important.

This is is the summary to this Sunday sermon:

Start Afresh
Heart Aflame
Faith Arise

God Bless

P.S: This week is a good week to trust in God because there so many things happening in this week! Great opportunity indeed.


Signing off,6:54 AM
Child of god